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About our inventions and products:-
Our innovation is a revolutionary technology based on Indian Ayurvedic techniques, herbs, plants, extracts, oils, powders, and other natural substances. It focuses on improving soil health and establishing a microorganism system in the soil. By utilizing our products, crops are protected against root diseases, nematodes, fungus, root rot, and other related issues.
The primary objective of our innovation is to activate and unlock the nutrients already present in the soil, making them soluble and readily available for plant uptake. Additionally, our products act as a potent root booster, strengthening the root and stem structure of plants. This leads to reduced flower dropping and increased fruit setting, ultimately resulting in higher agricultural yields.
Moreover, our innovation offers protection against chewing and sucking insects, while also providing plants with enhanced nutrient power. Through extensive testing conducted by reputable organizations like SYNGENTA and Punjab Agricultural University, our technology has demonstrated an increase in crop yield by up to 21%. This remarkable achievement has gained recognition and acceptance from farmers across the country.
What sets our innovation apart is its commitment to promoting sustainable and non-toxic farming practices. By offering an alternative to poisonous inputs and chemicals, our technology aligns with the principles of eco-friendly agriculture. As a testament to its effectiveness, our invention has received awards and recognition from various government bodies at the state, central, and international levels. Overall, our innovation represents a significant breakthrough in the field of agriculture and horticulture, benefiting farmers and contributing to the well-being of the environment.
In addition to the aforementioned features, our products have also proven to be highly beneficial for farming in saline water and soil conditions. They effectively address the challenges posed by salinity, making it possible to cultivate crops in such environments. By applying our products, the soil becomes softer, and the pH value is maintained at optimal levels.
One of the remarkable advantages of our innovation is its ability to increase the water intake capacity of the soil. This feature is especially crucial in regions where water scarcity is a significant concern. By enhancing the soil’s water absorption capabilities, our products contribute to mitigating the problem of rainwater lodging in agricultural fields. This is particularly relevant in today’s context, where the improper absorption of rainwater can lead to soil compaction and reduced crop productivity.
Furthermore, our products act as a natural water recharging system. They facilitate the infiltration of rainwater into the soil, ensuring efficient utilization of this vital resource. By improving soil health and enhancing water retention capacity, our innovation supports sustainable farming practices and aids in maintaining agricultural productivity even in challenging conditions.
The ability of our technology to address the issues of saline water, soil hardness, pH maintenance, and water intake capacity highlights its versatility and effectiveness in optimizing agricultural processes. Farmers can rely on your products to improve soil conditions and maximize water utilization, ultimately leading to increased crop yields and greater resilience in the face of environmental constraints.
When farmers consider adopting our products as an alternative to harmful poisonous inputs, concerns often arise regarding the cost of these inputs. However, upon closer examination and comparison with chemically-driven farming practices, it becomes evident that our products offer significant cost advantages. The cost reduction achieved by using your products can be as high as up to 50% compared to traditional chemical-based farming.
Moreover, the benefits extend far beyond cost savings. By utilizing our innovative technology, farmers experience higher yields coupled with superior quality produce. This leads to a substantial increase in the selling price of their agricultural products in the market. The combination of reduced costs and increased profits resulting from higher yields creates a favorable margin for farmers.
In fact, the cost of using our products is estimated to be only 30-50% when compared to chemical-based farming methods. Additionally, the potential for achieving a yield increase of up to 21% further enhances the financial gains for farmers. This significant margin between cost reduction and yield improvement proves to be highly advantageous to the farming community.
By incorporating our products into their agricultural practices, farmers not only enjoy cost savings but also reap the rewards of increased profitability. These financial benefits contribute to the overall well-being and sustainability of the farming community, empowering farmers to achieve better economic outcomes while embracing environmentally friendly and healthier farming practices.
Zero cost means, in our and our farmer’s view:-
In India, the term “Zero Budget Farming” has gained significant popularity. However, it is important to acknowledge that carrying out farming activities without any investment is practically impossible. In line with our innovation and the feedback from farmers over the years, there has been a shift in perspective towards “zero budget thinking.”
Under this revised mindset, farmers recognize the need for investments throughout the entire crop cycle, from sowing to harvesting. By implementing our technology and products, which result in a remarkable yield increase of up to 21%, farmers can obtain higher prices for their produce in the market due to better quality when compare to chemically based farming. It is through these enhanced rates that the costs of farming are effectively covered.
While the term “zero budget farming” may imply a lack of investment, the reality is that farmers understand the importance of strategic investments to maximize their returns. By harnessing the benefits of our innovation and witnessing the substantial increase in yields, farmers are able to generate sufficient revenue to offset their farming expenses.
This shift in mindset highlights the practicality of investing in sustainable farming practices and innovative technologies. Instead of relying on the notion of farming without any investment, farmers have embraced the concept of making strategic investments to achieve higher productivity and profitability. The increased rates obtained in the market, driven by the improved quality and higher yields of their produce, play a crucial role in covering all the costs associated with farming.
By adopting this progressive approach and incorporating your products into their farming practices, farmers can transform their agricultural operations into more sustainable and economically viable ventures.
News:- KAMAAL-CLAMP our leading product will launch soon with new innovations, new technology, adding many other herbs etc. wait..till we introduce it again
Farming for Health and Sustainability: A Call for Natural Innovation“
The purpose of innovation in agriculture is to provide safe and healthy food to all while ensuring sustainable development of agriculture. The Green Revolution, which was a modern farming technology that relied on chemical fertilizers and pesticides, resulted in increased crop yields but also had negative consequences for the environment, human health, and the fertility of the land. Over time, excessive use of chemical inputs has led to the depletion of natural resources and the imbalance of the ecosystem. This has necessitated a move towards natural farming methods, including organic farming. However, transitioning to organic farming in one go is not practical, as it would be difficult for small farmers to make the switch and meet the demands of the increasing population. Krishico, a company founded by Ishwar Singh Kundu, aims to help farmers transition to organic farming gradually by providing them with natural and organic products that will help increase the fertility of the land and reduce their dependence on chemical inputs.
Background-Journey of Innovations. Story of a farmer innovator who is behind Arable Agri Science Pvt Ltd
I was born on 17 March 1961 in a farmer’s house in Kailram village of Kaithal district, Haryana. Father was in the army and mother is a simple housewife. I have two more brothers. I passed my 10th standard from high school in my village, after that I enrolled in ITI course in Kaithal, in the course of draftsman[ civil], during this time I got into writing, tried my hand at journalism, also edited a newspaper for some time. ..After completing the course in 1984, I searched for a job but could not find it. Got married while studying in ITI. When there was a joint family, there was a good amount of agricultural land, but during the partition, I got only two and a half acres of land in my share. It was difficult to survive, did many types of work, whether it was a tea shop in Delhi, a shop selling pesticides in Kaithal, or failing in these, repairing and selling agricultural tools in the village. Bahut Papad Bele, also worked as a draftsman in Raigarh, Jindal in Chhattisgarh for one year.
After getting tired, came back to the village, that means Budhu came back home. Then with a friend, opened a shop selling seeds and pesticides in the nearest city. One day a drum of poisonous insecticide named-Phorate leaked in the shop at night. Opened the shop in the morning, had a habit of smelling pesticides, so did not pay attention. In the afternoon, the smell of poison showed its effect, fell down unconscious. Neighboring shopkeeper took me to the hospital. Was unconscious all day, regained consciousness at night. The doctor told that the nervous system, lungs has been badly affected, and also told that the chances of survival are very less due to the effect of the insecticide which caused all this. Well, life was saved. Medicine lasted for a year, leaving allopathy, started Ayurvedic medicine.
There was information about pesticides, also about their bad effects. So it was decided to do farming without toxic pesticides. There was one more reason, because of the bad effects of pesticides had developed a kind of allergy, could not even tolerate their smell.
But at that time there was no trend about organic farming in 1994. I had no knowledge of this word either. Just decided to do farming in native way. There was no knowledge, there was no one to suggest or tell, just started looking for a needle in the dark.
First started experimenting on Neem present around us, then thought of other plants like Aak, Dhatura etc. and saw that neither humans disturb them nor animals eat them. This is just where it started. New ideas started coming. One day went to Delhi. At that time there used to be a market behind the Red Fort, of old things, a book was found there. It was about herbs, read it. Sorting some herbs, using a little wisdom, the herb which is beneficial for human health can also be beneficial for farming and crops. It was from here that a new way of using Ayurvedic formulas for farming started.
Then the pruning started, the bitter, astringent, strong smelling plants etc. were sorted out. Research, experiments were started. Neighbor farmer brother says he has gone mad, who will raise his children, he will die by hanging. Since childhood, I had a stubborn, obsessive nature, I used to do whatever I want, be it for profit or loss.
Well, slowly the experiments went on, success was achieved little by little, the way was understood, it felt that the destination is near, and more efforts have to be made. Hard work took five years, madness brought color, such a wonder was in front of me, I could not believe it. Such a new formula had been created which was beyond my thinking and understanding. First tried it on our crops.My villagers had given me the title of mad, so I met my old friends in other villages, they tried it, said it is really amazing.
There was no business motive. It was just a matter of convincing the farmers that there is no need for the insecticides we are using. I have the formula. Tried making it myself, but no one even thought of making it himself. The same farmer friends suggested that by keeping this formula in a bottle, keep some name and start giving it in Rs.100-50, and then they will agree that the free thing does not work. So started implementing their suggestion.
Gradually, the faith of the farmers started getting established and they themselves started saying that Ayurveda has power. I have never said that my products are organic or bio etc., just explained that you are putting chloropyriphos, endosulfan, phorate etc. try putting these in their place. The results started getting good. When I saw that now my farmer brothers are coming back on track, I started trying to teach them. Started trying to create awareness about the dangerous poisonous pesticides etc. by roaming around in the fields, the farmers started understanding.
Encouraged by this, I started explaining to the farmers about those dangerous toxic chemicals, started telling them about their trade names, manufacturer companies, even sellers, because these toxic pesticides had ruined my life, made me permanently ill. So it was only natural to hate.
There was hope that now we can fight against these toxic chemicals. But something else was acceptable, in the year 2004, some people, companies did not like my efforts, there were influential, influential people, they put the police behind me, filed a case under section 420, that am misleading the farmers. . But fortunately, the agriculture department of the state did not support those people and police. Rather encouraged me. I am grateful.
Well fought the case for 6 years, won with respect.
I met a person in the part of this case, he gave me a magazine about the new researchers. It was the magazine of National Innovation Foundation Ahmedabad. I sent a letter about my search to their address, he asked for a lot of information. Then a team came to my village, met the farmers. Tested the method of preparation etc. Then tested my formula on crops, in lab. That means my search proved true on every scale. Awarded the Innovation Award in 2007, at that time Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam was our President. He appreciated my research, asked many questions, etc. At the same time, he instructed his special officer Dr. Brahm Singh ji to help me in every possible way. And they helped completely, conducted trials in the garden of Rashtrapati Bhavan and after getting good results, my products were purchased. Even after that my products kept going to the gardens of Rashtrapati Bhavan. This discovery is completely based on herbs, the first product Kamaal 505 has been made to protect crops from termites,soil problems etc. It also helps in increasing the fertility of the land, growth of micro-organisms in the soil, second innovation named– Kamaal-Clamp is in the form of a thick powder, it is also a source of organic carbon, it has proved effective in protecting crops from root rot, fungal diseases,etc. Also, the hard pan of land which is suitable for continuous cropping. It is caused by the indiscriminate use of excessive fertilizers and pesticides. Due to this, the power of soil to absorb water and store moisture becomes weak, along with this, the development of roots does not happen, there is a danger of falling if the roots do not go deep. This discovery has proved to be able to solve all these problems. The consumption of chemical fertilizers like Urea DAP also reduces by 20-25%.
I also consider it necessary to mention here that farmers had given trade name to my innovation and products – “Kamaal” which means Wonderful.
Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana conducted the tests. It is written in the report that the yield has increased from 6% to 18%. IFFCO Kisan Sanchar Limited also conducted trials in the fields and found that the expenditure also reduces by almost half. The yield increases with better quality.
After this new garden, poly house, cotton, chillies and vegetables were made to protect them from virus borne diseases, white fly, sucking insects, Apart from this, the product of seed treatment has also been made. Which is made in place of extremely dangerous chemical based seed treatment products.
The patent for the invention has also been published.
Won many awards about three dozens from state,country level and from abroad.
As example “Abhinav Kisan Puraskar” from ICAR, Indian Agricultural Research Institute-Pusa New Delhi awarded several times Haryana Government, Gujarat Government Shri Narendra Modi honored him by giving 51000 cash, shawl, citation, memento.
Selected in the National Innovation Competition by Mahindra & Mahindra and won the prize money of 44 lakhs.
In September 2018, a competition was organized between ASEAN countries and India’s innovators in Indonesia’s capital Jakarta, in which I participated from India’s side and got second place among 55 participants from 11 countries, trophy, certificate, and one thousand Dollar Prize.
The President of India has a program of its own which is run by Rashtrapati Bhavan, its name – In-Residence Program for Innovators. I was also done as innovation scholar, only 10 participants were selected, had a face-to-face conversation with President Shri Ram Nath Kovind. These 10 innovators were kept as special guests at Rashtrapati Bhavan on 18 and 19 March 2019. And was also honored by giving certificate and memento.
…and many more…..
News:- KAMAAL-CLAMP our leading product will launch soon with new innovations, new technology, adding many other herbs etc. wait..till we introduce it again
We Innovate For All…….
Purpose of Innovation: –
Since the beginning of human civilization, man started efforts to satisfy his hunger. “Agriculture” started from these efforts. That is, agriculture became the world’s first business. At that time agriculture was dependent only on the resources available around. This has been given the adjectives of “Jaivik-organic” nowadays. In the 1950-60s, when there was a serious food crisis in India, we were dependent on foreign food, then a new technology was imported from abroad. Which was called “Modern-Farming” and we Indians gave it the name “Green Revolution“. This so-called Green Revolution was completely based on chemical fertilizers, pesticides etc. There is no doubt that this new technology increased the yield. It increased so much that the warehouses of the country were filled with food. The grains started rotting in the open, the governments proved to be incapable of even handling this grain.
On one hand we were importers, today we are exporters.
Everything has its limits, there is a limit. Excessive use of chemical products indiscriminately started to have side effects. The fertility of the land was continuously deteriorating. The nutrients, bacteria, earthworms naturally present in the land were exhausted. Gradually the fertility of the land decreased, the basic nutrient, and organic-carbon came to the minimum level. Many ill effects to soil, air, water and human health.
The Indian government’s ICAR figures show that the nutrient ratio fell from 14.7% to 8.5%. On the other hand, it proved to be a loss-making deal. For example, the ratio of nutrient consumption and yield fell by 2011, compared to the amount of nutrients we had produced around 1990. That is, the profit from production started decreasing in comparison to the cost. The reason, because we have completely forgotten the natural resources, measures available with us in the pursuit of producing more. The land has become accustomed to chemical products. If the farmer is asked to leave them, then to replace these products, fertilizers, natural manure, the desired nutrients in agriculture are available in limited quantity. The farmer no longer had enough animals to make manure etc. from their dung to meet the needs of the crops.
The number of marginal farmers is more in the country, the number of farmers of one or two hectares is more. Big farmers have gone and settled in the city. Small farmers do farming on rent. Suppose a farmer has taken five acres of land on rent, then his expenditure is two lakhs in Haryana, Punjab, the interest of the loan taken from the capital above, The expenses from sowing the crop for six month to harvesting. Also his family is on this support. If he is asked to do organic farming with limited amount of available natural products, then it will prove to be a loss-making deal for him. Present crops need about 16 nutrients including NPK, how a normal farmer can fulfill it naturally,
this is a formidable question. Due to excessive use of chemical fertilizers, insecticides, where on one hand the fertility of the land was reduced, the top layer of the land became hard. The land has reduced the water absorption, the movement of air and water started decreasing, the problem of stagnation of water in the land arose in the slightest rain. At the same time, the natural growth of crops was also affected, due to shrinking of the roots, many problems arose.
Earlier, there were only a few pests and diseases in our fields, today their number is in hundreds. Billions of pesticides, fungicides have been consumed annually.
The natural balance was shaken due to the overuse of this technology called Green Revolution. The amount of heavy, toxic elements like nitrate, sulfate, arsenic, insecticides increased in the land and ground water. Many types of deadly, incurable diseases started flourishing in humans.
Ill effects to human health:-
You will also know that a train runs from the city “Bhatinda” of Punjab, a state of India, to Bikaner city of Rajasthan, in which almost all cancer patients travel, this train has become famous by the name of cancer train. This is just one example. This region of Punjab was once called very happy because of its high yield. But today the situation has completely changed. Today, especially the rural section is spending a huge part of their earnings on saving their health, treatment of diseases. This did not save even that section which has nothing to do with agriculture. You can see that around 2000’s, where there used to be a small clinic of a doctor, today a multi-specialty multi-storey hospital has come up.
This is an example of becoming completely dependent on an imported/poisonous chemicals-based technology, neglecting your knowledge, resources, technology.
Now there is only one solution to make safe human health to do farming with natural technology without using poisonous inputs, by providing Safe Food to All.
Now the advocates of modern agriculture have also given their knees. The trend of natural methods has increased. The trend of organic farming has increased. But many profiteers have jumped under the guise of this. Many types of useless products have been flooded in the name of organic. But the founder of Krishico “Ishwar Singh Kundu” studied among the farmers for years. Tried to know the problems. So found that if we try to take the farmer towards organic farming with one stroke, then neither the farmer will agree to it, it will not be practical either. If we look at the broader scenario, adopting organic farming in one stroke is also harmful for the country. The stomach of the ever-increasing population has to be filled, as well as agriculture has to be made export-oriented so that the income of the farmer increases. The country’s economy should also get support.
My Tag Line is- Quantity with Quality
Ishwar Singh Kundu, Innovator and founder of Krishico, studied for many years and developed such a technique with the farmers so that the fertility of the land would increase progressively without reducing the yield. The dependence on toxic pesticides should be reduced, as well as the consumption of fertilizers should be reduced gradually, the farmer himself will be motivated and he will move towards safe farming. The resources available around us, animal/cow dung, crop residues, green manure etc. will start adopting measures itself, only then we can take the country towards organic farming.
Keeping this whole scenario in mind, the Innovator has invented many products which are completely based on the principles of Ayurveda. To maintain the fertility of the land, to improve the soil, to start the biological process again in the soil, to protect the crops from mildew, root diseases, and pests etc. Efforts were made to reduce the consumption of chemical fertilizers. How to get more yield from less fertilizers, such dangerous pesticides which farmers have been putting in the land for years, their consumption should be reduced to zero, so that life can be possible again in the land. In this way we shall able to bring down the dependence on the pesticides used in the soil to zero.
Contribution of the Innovation:-This is the main objective of any new innovation; it may be useful and beneficiary to human kind. I am trying to explain shortly about this part. “In the absence of additional land for cultivation and to meet the growing demand of increasing population of India, we are going to face a problem to full-fill the demand of grain, sugar, vegetables, fruits etc, but we can see that we have no more agricultural land, thousands of acres of this cultivatable land is used in roads, residential purpose, SEZ, and other non-agriculture field. How can we full-fill the growing demand? Crop cannot grow on sky, not in factory/sez, colony. There is only one solution in this condition that we have to work to get more per acre yield, without damaging our soil, [as we are doing this time in the name of “Harit – Kranti”.] We need “Natural – Kranti”. I have tried in this way and got 7% to 18% more yield per acre (different crops and conditions). It is a record, nor any other therapy/system with us. But my innovation is clearly proved that we can find more per acre yield to full-fill the growing demand of agricultural products. In another hand-financial preview of farmer. My innovation is proved that per acre cost is reduced up to 47% as Iffco Kisan Sanchar Limited conduct trials at farmer’s field. It is more beneficiary to farmer community as well as whole society.
Human Friendly; –The unbalanced use of chemically agro-inputs is caused many incurable diseases as cancer etc, so it is the need of present time to avoid poison-based inputs, my innovation is able to replace the harmful poison-based inputs in agriculture. So, it is human friendly innovation. My innovation is environment friendly, as we can see pesticides etc are badly affected our soil, water, air, even milk of mother is not safe. My innovation does not contain any harmful ingredients, fully safe for environment. [To know about ingredients used by me please see report of Punjab Agriculture University.]
Impact on Society:-This is an innovation for safe farming, as I have given all related details above. If we see the impacts on society, there are many impacts we found. First it is a economy innovation, save up to 47% cost of farmer, if farmer will get more benefit from his crops, he will spend this money to market to purchase various house hold or other product. This factor will help our economy. Also help to create employments in villages so it stops fly people to cities from villages. My innovated products creating employments to villagers, unemployed youth, about 35 youth are working/selling my products to farmers [direct selling], earning very good income. If a person is well employed in any field he is free from all negative thinking. This factor helps to stop crime. Hence the impacts are in wide way; my innovation is beneficiary to the whole community.
Save Environment
Increase farmer’s income.
Creating employments to unemployed youth
Save our health providing safe agro products
Save mother earth from poisons
Another object of the invention is to provide herbal compositions containing one or more plant essential oils and derivatives of natural or synthetic, as a contact or fumigant pesticide. Further, the herbal composition, shown to be harmless to humans and is eco-friendly, is also used as bio-fertilizer, fungicide, soil enhancer and soil binder’. It is a further object to provide safe, non-toxic compositions and method that will not adversely affect crops, humans or the environment. It is still another object to provide compositions and method that can be applied without burdensome safety precautions. It is still another object to provide compositions and method as described above which can be inexpensively produced or employed. Yet another object of the invention is to provide a method of use of the herbal formulation of the present Invention. Additional objects and attendant advantages of the present invention will be set forth, in part, in the description that follows, or may be learned from practicing or using the present invention. The objects and advantages may be realized and attained by means of the instrumentalities and combinations particularly recited in the appended claims.
Our aim is not only to earn money by selling products. We also feel our responsibility. So, we encourage the farmers to understand the importance of the natural vegetation available around them. And to protect their crops from pests, and if the need arises, standing feet do not have to run to the city. We give training to farmers on their farm. We are happy that farmer brothers have now started adopting this technology.
Ishwar Singh Kundu
Innovator, Farmer Scientist
Village-Post- Kailram,District- KAITHAL,Haryana-136117
Contact- 7015621521, WhatsApp- 9255544241 Email- kisan.kamaal@gmail.com
Website- www.khlagro.in
YouTube channel- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKyTDO6RbRdcV4PxlkDAFkA
Ishwar kundu
KRISHICO The House of Innovations
ऑर्गेनिक फार्मिंग आजकल एक बेहद प्रचलित शब्द है. देखा जाये तो सुरक्षित ,जहरविहीन कृषि आज की जरूरत है. परन्तु भारत जैसे देश में जहाँ जनसंख्या वृद्धि बेहद तीव्र है,देश की अर्थव्यवस्था का कृषि एक मजबूत स्तम्भ है. सो, हम पैदावार घटाने का रिस्क बिलकुल भी लेने की स्थिति में नहीं हैं,छोटे किसानों की स्थिति को भी देखना है,प्रति एकड़ पैदावार भी बढ़ानी है,साथ ही पैदावार के साथ उपभोक्ता को सुरक्षित,जहरमुक्त भोजन देना भी किसान की जिम्मेदारी है.
अच्छी पैदावार लेने के लिए फसलों को बहुत सारे तत्व चाहिए होते हैं. जिनमे नाइट्रोजन,फॉस्फोरस,पोटाश,सल्फर,आदि मुख्य हैं. वर्तमान कृषि में यह तत्व रासायनिक उर्वरक के रूप में उपयोग किये जा रहे हैं. ऑर्गेनिक कृषि के लिए इनकी जगह हमें प्राकृतिक आदान पर निर्भर होना होगा. जिसका मुख्य स्त्रोत पशु हैं.सदियों से हम पशु गोबर को उपरोक्त तत्वों की पूर्ति हेतु प्रयोग करते आ रहे थे. लेकिन किसानों के पास पहले की तुलना में पशु बेहद कम हैं.
दूसरा स्त्रोत फसल अवशेष हैं,जिनको मॉडर्न खेती आने से पूर्व हमारे बजुर्ग खेतों में ही सड़ा कर भूमि की उर्वरा शक्ति बनाये रखते थे. पर आज का आधुनिक किसान न गोबर को हाथ लगाना चाहता है,न फसल अवशेषों की कद्र करता है. कुछ अपवाद तो हर जगह होते हैं. फसल कटते ही किसान अगली फसल के लिए खेत तैयार करने के लिए अवशेष में आग लगाकर लाखों टन पोषक तत्व फूंक देता है. इसके लिए उसके अपने तर्क हैं.
अगर हम किसान को प्रेरित करें की वह रासायनिक उर्वरक तुरंत बंद कर दे तो यह न तो सम्भव है न ही उचित है.श्रीलंका का उदाहरण हमारे समक्ष मौजूद है.
हमने बरसों किसानों के बीच काम किया,समस्या को समझा. निष्कर्ष ये निकला की किसानों को उपदेश/सलाह देने की बजाय उनको ठोस समाधान दिया जाये. उसको धीरे,धीरे सुरक्षित खेती की तरफ ले जाया जाये,बिना एक ग्राम भी पैदावार घटाए.
हमने सर्वप्रथम भूमि की उर्वरा शक्ति को बढ़ाने,मृदा को जीवंत रखने की दिशा में काम किया.हमारा निष्कर्ष यह था की अगर मृदा को जहरमुक्त कर दिया जाये,भूमि में दोबारा से जीवन प्रक्रिया आरम्भ हो जाये तो शनैः शनैः रासायनिक उर्वरकों पर निर्भरता कम होती जाएगी. जब किसान को स्वयं यह महसूस होने लगेगा की उसे उसके पास उपलब्ध संसाधनों का सम्मान करना चाहिए जिसमें उसका भी लाभ निहित है,जब उसे गोबर और फसल अवशेषों की अहमियत मालूम होगी तो वह खुद उनको अपनाने लगेगा. और इसके लिए ज्यादा समय नहीं चाहिए,दो-तीन सालों में ही यह परिवर्तन सम्भव है.
और अब यह होने लगा है. हमने किसान को उत्पादों के रूप में समाधान दिया, भूमि को जहर मुक्त किया. मृदा में जीवन लौटने लगा. रासायनिक उर्वरकों की खपत सिर्फ दो सालों में आधी रह गई.किसान गोबर व फसल अवशेष का सम्मान करने लगा है.
Organic farming is a very popular term nowadays. If seen, safe, poison-free agriculture is the need of the day. But in a country like India where population growth is very fast, agriculture is a strong pillar of the country’s economy. So, we are not in a position to take the risk of reducing the yield at all, it is the responsibility of the farmer to see the condition of small farmers, to increase the yield per acre, as well as to provide safe, poison-free food to the consumer along with the yield.
Crops require many elements to get good yields. In which Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potash, Sulfur, etc. are the main ones. These elements are being used as chemical fertilizers in present agriculture. Instead of organic farming, we have to depend on natural inputs. The main source of which is animals. For centuries, we have been using animal dung to fulfill the above mentioned elements. But farmers have very less cattle than before.
The second source is crop residues, which before the advent of modern farming, our elders used to rot in the fields and maintain the fertility of the land. But today’s modern farmer neither wants to touch cow dung nor does he care about crop residues. Some exceptions are everywhere. As soon as the crop is harvested, the farmer burns millions of tons of nutrients by setting fire to the residue to prepare the field for the next crop. He has his own reasoning for this.
If we motivate the farmer to stop chemical fertilizers immediately, then it is neither possible nor proper. The example of Sri Lanka is before us.
We worked among farmers for years, understood the problem. The conclusion was that instead of giving advice/advice to the farmers, concrete solutions should be given to them. It should be taken slowly, gradually towards safe farming, without reducing the yield even a single gram.
We first worked in the direction of increasing the fertility of the soil, keeping the soil alive. Our conclusion was that if the soil is poisoned, the life process starts again in the soil, then gradually the dependence on chemical fertilizers will be reduced. Will go When the farmer himself starts to feel that he should respect the resources available with him in which his benefit also lies, when he comes to know the importance of cow dung and crop residue, then he himself will adopt them. And for this not much time is required, this change is possible only in two-three years.
And now it’s starting to happen. We gave solutions in the form of products to the farmer, made the land poison free. Life began to return to the soil. The consumption of chemical fertilizers has halved in just two years. The farmer has started respecting cow dung and crop residue.
About Us:- Note:-We observed that Bio-Organic words are using by some companies to misguide Farmers.We do not say or use these words we only claimed that our invented products are effective when compare with synthetic or poisonous inputs.We used selected herbs,plants their extarct,asv,ark,oils etc.It means “Ayurveda For Agriculture”
Watch this video showing best results of Indian Technology in sugarcane crop-
Amazing about 16 feet high.
A Scene of farm. Cotton Crop with our Invented products. Photo with Satisfied Farmer

Best Crop in Salty Water. We proved practically that our products are best in place of Synthetic/ poisonous most recommended inputs .
When farmers tried our invented products at their farms/crops.. they said – “KAMAAL HAI-MEAN WONDERFULL”
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